Strange Rain

This is a follow-up to Strange Brew.

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Miss Hill got off the subway near midtown. The station smelled of exhaust fumes, oil, and stale sweat as she was carried along by the mob of humanity like a small cork in a swift stream. At street level, she stopped to get her bearings. A cold blast of wind shouldered its way down the concrete streets between the buildings. An exasperated taxi operator hammered on his horn nearby. Continue reading

Strange Brew

She checked the time on her phone again. Stirring the cream and sugar in her second, or was it her third?, cup of coffee, she sat in a booth on an electric orange vinyl seat and watched out the window. It was midday but dark outside. A storm had engulfed New York and the eerie black clouds clung overhead like a damp cloak. As she watched, another bolt of lightning fanned out across the broiling clouds, lighting the streets in a blue glow, casting confused shadows. Thunder ricocheted between the buildings. Continue reading